The Iris Project - East Oxford Latin

East Oxford Latin

Learning latinThe Iris Project, in association with the Oxford University Classics Outreach Scheme, runs Latin as part of literacy in Oxford primary schools, particularly focusing on schools in deprived regions of the city. The scheme has been running since 2006, and has worked with hundreds of pupils in more than thirty different local primary schools.

It offers pupils in mixed-ability classes the opportunity to learn about Latin in fun, accessible and relevant ways. Student teachers from the University of Oxford deliver a year long introductory course to year fives and sixes in Oxford primary schools, which introduces Latin using activities and games, and offers a taste Classical myths and culture, using storytelling and drama. Some schools involved are taking part in a pilot to offer two years of Latin leading to taking the OCR Entry Level Latin examination.

The Project provides access to the fascinating subjects of Latin and Classics for hundreds of the city's school children. It is also a fantastic way for students to engage in their local communities, gain experience and training in teaching, and also to develop other new skills. We work particularly with schools in deprived urban regions where literacy levels are often low, and where many children are on free school meals. Our project has been shown to enhance literacy as well as to promote confidence and communication skills amongst pupils.

If your school would like to be involved, please contact us through the website.

What commitment does it involve?

Volunteers teach for one hour every week during each of the three school terms. This is contact time in the classroom and does not include travel to and from the schools.

Volunteers have the unique opportunity to attend training sessions run by the King's College London Department of Education and Professional Studies, one of only three education departments in the UK to offer PGCE training in Classics.

Over the course of the year students are given supervision in class and are supported by the project leaders and liaison officers. Furthermore, lesson plans and worksheets are provided along with a selection of relevant activities and games.

For more information, please see the Iris Course Introduction

How do I become a volunteer?

There are usually around 10 places per year for student teachers from Oxford University. We also use community volunteers in our schemes - you do not have to be a member of Oxford University to be involved. All lesson plans, worksheets and details are available on our website.

If you would like to be involved, please contact us through the site.



The Iris Project
24 Green Ridges

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